The Land Conservation Clinic works at the nexus of law, science and policy to support and enhance land conservation in Georgia and the Southeast.

UGA Law and UGA Ecology logos

The Clinic, an interdisciplinary collaboration with UGA’s School of Ecology, focuses on legal and policy matters associated with conserving natural and working landscapes. Law and ecology master’s students work together to address legal and policy questions, support and expand conservation programs, and extend conservation benefits.

What We Do

Land Conservation Clinic Services

Conservation Planning & Easement Negotiation

White Papers & Model Documents Drafting

Policy Review

Public Education Outreach

Clinic services are pro bono, and clients include nonprofit and community organizations, government agencies, and other UGA researchers.


Student Experience

Clinic students not only learn more about the tools available to conserve land but work to create more tools and implement them. Students also develop skills that can be utilized in multiple practice areas and professional fields, including:

  • skills centered on collaboration
  • client engagement
  • problem solving
  • analytical thinking
  • project planning
  • self-reflection
  • and awareness of ethical considerations

They also are exposed to and connected to the many different possible careers in this field while carrying out the public service mission of the law school.